Onimusha Warlords | PC Game | Genre: Action, Adventure | {558MB}

The story focuses on the sixteenth century (about 1560) just at the time of civil war between the Shogun Japanese.After thousands of fights, one of the Shogun, Oda Nabunaga seems to take more strength and is about to seize power all, but in a fight an arrow through the throat and the army Oda seems to lose its power .Now it seems that everything is over and that peace would reign in Japan, but Oda's army returns to the attack, and does not return alone, he accompanied an army of demons ready for anything.
Mr. Yoshitatsu, ruler at that time, it is difficult to withstand the attacks of demonic forces. And here a cornerstone of the game,
System Requirements:-
Processor: Intel Pentium III 1GHz, AMD Athlon 1GHz or higher
Memory: 256MB RAM or more
2GB hard disk
DVD: 4x
Multiplayer: No
You need Windows Media Player
3D Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible 128 MB,

Download Onimusha Warlords PC Game
Password: www.gamebazaar.info
Source: www.gamebazaar.info
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